SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . S

SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . S
SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . 2014 . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . SPD4459 Students' Project .


SPD4459 [Tea restaurant茶餐廳] Hung Cheong Restaurant 鴻昌茶餐廳

Hung Cheong Restaurant is old style tea restaurant, After eating the dishes, we only have one comment that is oily. However, their milk tea using condensed milk is really tasty, you must order if you like to drink milk tea using condensed milk. Please forgive me do not have too much comments about their food because I just want to say their food are too oily. Thank you!

Hon Cheong Restaurant 鴻昌茶餐廳
Address: G/F, 280 Yu Chau Street, Sham Shui Po  深水埗汝州街280號地下G
Tel: 2396 6630

From Sham Shui Po MTR station Exit C2 to there is around 5-10 minutes by walking. Here is the map.

Posted by Novia (student from SPD4459) SPD4459
Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #西餐 #長沙灣 #新香園 #SanHeungYuen #SPD4459


SPD4459 [西餐廳] 呼吸冰室 Fullcup cafe

SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
懷舊cafe 又嚟喇!又係影靚相既時候喇識去一定去呼吸cafe 個人認為深水埗分店好過旺角的!個人喜好 !! :p 80 年代佈置 淨係入去影相都值!!!
Vintage cafe again! Its a great time to take great great photoes again! personally think that  shum shui po shop is much better than the MongKok one !! 80 years decoration <3
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SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
好大碟呀!薯餅好好食,好似新鮮炸起。其他都唔錯 係多油左dd @@ 茄汁豆好開胃^^
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
Tel:  3728 3454
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
Opening hour:  星期一至日: 07:00-23:00  ( Mon - Sun: 0700 - 2300 )
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SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 


SPD4459 [Noodle 粉麵] 文記車仔麵 番外篇

記得尋日帶大家去食文記車仔麵嗎? SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage  SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage  SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
話咩要有劉心悠嘅面孔、法拉嘅笑容、雷凱欣嘅身材、何家淑女嘅後台、Angela Monkey嘅整容醫生。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
個宅男肥仔食住兜車仔麵,臉容扭曲到好似畢加索啲名畫咁,生命去到一個非常危險嘅階段。聽到依個問題,佢已經從最終幻想中解放出黎。 他已經死了。
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
隔離有個女伴,想食餐經濟啲嘅都要左諗右諗, 「譚仔呀!今日想食米線!」 「吓,好逼喎...」 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
「沙嗲王呀!都坐得舒服!」 「吓,要等勁耐喎...」
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
「不如食碗雲吞麵呀!寶貝你想減肥嘛!」 「吓,勁多阿叔阿伯喎...」
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
試過同一位已成歷史塵埃嘅女朋友走入一間茶記。 喂唔差架喎其實! 地板立立令唔在講、餐牌全過膠,令你感受到法國西南部波爾多嘅浪漫迷情、加上圍繞身邊,三部LCD大電視,令你可以係2013年,觀賞亞視節目:「2010年亞洲小姐決賽」,個種係過去未來穿梭嘅快感令人縈繞夢域。 一個客飯配咕嚕肉,唔包餐飲都78蚊,絕對唔cheap!
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
只不過對面個女人就唔係咁諗啦, 聽到入茶記已經成個比達上身咁西口西面, 見到個餐牌直情變埋超級西面人。 大佬,你想做比達都睇下對面個個係唔係莊子啊!
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
我心諗:「法拉利跑車啲位仲窄,你係咪唔坐先?成日落老籣啲 clubbing,都唔似好安靜下話,斷估你都唔會拎本雙城記去老籣呀,你邊有咁文藝呀?」 ok fine!我諗就凶狠,講就冇份... SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
最後佢講左一句:「Honestly,我覺得食餐飯每人三百零蚊好基本囉。」 我心諗:「安甩匙哩,你唔洗強調每人囉,你都冇找過數。係咪?」 我想即刻飛左佢。 但事實上佢即日已經飛左我。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
悲劇。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
我曾經以為女人都是這樣,我曾經想過做「一休和尚」算數。得閒有需要就扑下木魚,以此為樂。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
一個男人要同女朋友食深水埗,為咗啲咩? 覺得深水埗好多野食?覺得深水埗好毒?覺得高登商場真係會有好多高登仔派膠俾你?
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
成年人唔好比咁多幻想自己啦,廿幾歲仔要拉個女朋友去食深水埗只係因為四個字-「山窮水盡」。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
講真,當個女仔提議去深水埗嘅時候,我真係懷疑佢係到試探我。只要我話好,就會收取「你是好人」嘅好人卡。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
但我見佢咁真心又一試無妨。 一坐低佢就問我食咩,就自己行左出去買。 我心諗「出事!」
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
係深水埗兵法之中,只要你戰略得宜,一餐飯既價格要超越California Pizza絕對唔係難事。 一個散嗌嘅三姐糖水,掟個靚彎去隔離長沙灣整餐Bondi,加件芝士餅。驀然回首整多串囍囍串燒,煎釀三寶當做例行,真係我慣了傷心,臨尾飄移外賣一個豆花妹米線。成壇野已經一百幾廿蚊,仲要未買你個份。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
只係說時遲、那時快,女朋友已經買咗返黎,佢最後要既只係十二蚊既車仔麵,無加餸、無加六蚊野飲。 個一野已經眼濕濕,我想話比返錢佢,佢仲借啲意話遲下食好嘢先比我請返。 我好滾動,我終於流下男兒淚,個時仲要搭梗枱。
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
女朋友問我好地地做咩喊,我唯有話啲洋蔥澀眼,真係「一層一層一層 的剝開我的心」,但係我食梗油麵... SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
個一刻,我終於明白,咩叫感動。 踢場足球係 運動、 比賽攞獎係 激動、 BB出世係 作動、 上床攪野係 性衝動、 套都唔戴係 輕舉妄動、 長洲個個係 張保仔洞,
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
劉心悠始終會老、法拉都有黑面嘅時候、雷凱欣會爆炸、何家淑女你又唔係陳X聰、Angela Monkey都開始同人撞樣啦! SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
Posted By Gee


SPD4459 [Noodle 粉麵] 文記車仔麵

Today, FVenture chose Man Kee for lunch!There are long long looooooong queue! (Guess where am I, haha) SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
今次FVenture 就揀左文記車仔麵!一去到已經好多人排緊隊啦!(猜猜我在哪,哈哈)

 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
It is very valuable! 真係幾抵食喎! SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Let's choose what to eat! 揀野食先! SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage  

 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage  
We orderd tripe, fragrant-flowered garlic dumplings, octopus Tofu roll, lettuce, water spinach, pork bellies as well as squid. SPD4459 SPD4459
整體黎講,個湯底係唔錯既,不過配料就唔算話十分標青。不過呢個價位黎講,就真心抵食既! SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Their famous squid are a little bit spicy. Some people think it is too hard while some think it is good. Taste is really different among different people!
我地食左好出名既「玻璃魷魚」,有少少微辣。我地有三個人都哎左,有人就覺得太硬,有人就覺得岩岩好夠晒爽口!口味果然係見仁見智。 SPD4459 SPD4459  SPD4459  
Posted by Gee (student from SPD4459) SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED 


Spd4459 Describtion in esipsode 2 第2集中既形容串燒既潮文

In episode 2, Captain (Titus)  said some words to describe the skewer food. In fact, what was he saying? 
係第2集, Captain (Titus) 係片中講既:"每舊串燒都經過紅紅烈火,百度高溫 
係經過歷煉, 係經過漫長既試鍊 " , 其實佢講緊乜野呢?
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
In fact, it is a famous article on the Internet. Let's have a look together:
 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
因為我知道, 佢已經唔再明白我 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
佢問我食乜, 我真係唔想答佢 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
日本野? 秦國野? 真係膚淺 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
係經過歷煉, 係經過漫長既試鍊 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
每一舊都有佢既歷史,佢既故事 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
魚生究竟有d乜? 根本就好似d白痴港女咁, 一無所知, 生勾勾 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
我恨我既人生唔可以好似火腩錦 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
搵到咁多好既伴侶, 豆腐, 涼瓜, 冬瓜, 枝竹..各有特色 
亦搵唔到咁多知音人, SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
有時侯, 我自己一個坐o係茶記食火腩飯 
我覺得自己係孤獨, 我覺得呢個世界係冇人明白我 
我叫左枝青島, 我望住杯入面黃色既啤酒 
我望唔透, 我望唔清究竟呢個世界仲有幾多野我係掌握到 
我好迷茫 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
我離開間茶記, 我俾錢既時侯發覺有個OL食緊枝竹火腩飯 
我望住佢, 佢望住我SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  
我地互相點點頭 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
我好感動, 原來呢個世界仲有人係同我有相同既諗法 
我忍住淚水 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
走出茶記, 點起支煙, SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
頭都冇回就走返屋企SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  
或者個OL會問, 點解我放棄呢一段咁難得既姻緣 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
我唔知道 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
o係呢一刻 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
我覺得我係一個浪子SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 

If you want to watch video version of this popular article,

Please Click: 
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Posted by Titus (Student from spd4459)

Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog #街頭小食 #栗子 #街邊 #小販


SPD4459 [號外] 組員趕Project 失常篇

Mid-term 完就要趕Project, SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po 
人都癲 常已失.. FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 
都係希望大家可以F5 多D, 留多D 言 .......... Sham Shui Po FVenture 

Internet Marketing and Public Relations Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Posted by Gee (Student From SPD4459) SPD4459 SPD4459SPD4459
Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #西餐 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459  SPD4459

SPD4459 [Noodle 粉麵] 759 Noodles 759 雲吞麵

Going to 759Snacks many times, have you ever tried 759 Noodles? Today, we are going to introduce 759 Noodles for you.
759 零食店大家去得多, 但759 既麵店你又試過未呢? 今日我地就為大家探索一下位於長沙灣既759 雲吞麵啦!

The shopsign is full of 759's style
 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 

There are many huge version of membership cards on the wall.Looks like paintings, they delivered a fashion style
牆上面掛有好多放大版會員卡, 遠睇好似畫咁,夠哂別緻
 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 

Decorations are tea restaurant's style
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The bowls of 759 Noodles have village-style design which included a hen painting.

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This time, we tried flank steak rice noodle
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The beef is tasty, but too much perfume inside, rice noodles are just fair

Second one is fish skin dumplings with noodle in soup. The dumplings are home made, not from Four Sea Fish Ball. The meat in side is fresh and large,but it is quit salty.
第2樣既係魚皮餃生麵, 759雲吞麵既魚皮餃係人手自家製,唔係用四海果隻, 所以入面既肉都幾新鮮,又大大粒,不過略嫌咸左D

The boilded vegetables, it is not very flesh and a little bitter.
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Overall, qulity of 759 Noodles is moderate, price is also fair (about $2X).
整體黎講, 759雲吞麵水準一般般,價錢都算合理,廿幾蚊有一碗,平民化之選黎

759 雲吞麵
Adress 地址: Shop No. 1, G/F, Cheung Sha Wan Estate Ancillary Facilities                           Block, Cheung Sha Wan
Tel 電話: 3669 6936
Operation time 營業時間: Mon- Sun 星期一至日: 11:00-22:00

Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog #街頭小食 #栗子 #街邊 #小販
Posted by Titus (student from spd4459)

SPD4459 [狂賀] 總瀏覽量過萬啦!!!

狂賀!!SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations PolyU SPEED 
總瀏覽量過萬啦!!Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR 
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
順帶一提!SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
我地開左Facebook Fans Page 呀!不過最緊要都係係我地Blog 留多d 言 
Link: https://www.facebook.com/spd4459.fventure
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage
玩個小遊戲!Cap 中 "11111" 可獲小禮品一份 
Posted by Gee (Student From SPD4459) SPD4459 SPD4459SPD4459
Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #西餐 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED 


SPD4459 [Western-style 西餐廳] Bondi

Soft lighting s with simple comfortable decoration, would be a good place to chat with friends. SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Smoked salmon, full of smoky flavor, with a little sweet and sour sauce, very appetizing. SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
香煎黑毛豬扒,質感較嫩滑。啖啖肉口感加上點點煎香味道。因豬扒本質已極好, 所以根本不需什麼汁醬帶動。 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Black hair pork, the texture are quite tender. Pork has been excellent due to the nature, so there is no need to drive what sauces.
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Tiramesu ,酒味淡香但唔會過火, 但就非常之濕潤,好味!
wine will not be too much, but it is very creamy, good taste!
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Address: SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Elite Industrial Centre, Room 203, 883 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Lai Chi Kok
Tel: 3996 7806 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
Opening hours: 星期一至六(Mon – Sat): 10:00-22:00 逄星期日休息(Sun close)
在荔枝角地鐵站D2出口,往長沙灣方向走, 入口是在億利工業大廈, 地下兩旁是一間越南餐廳, 和一間快餐廳中間, 門前是44M綠色小巴站.
Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #西餐 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED 


SPD4459 [Street-side Snack 街頭小食] 囍囍美食

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Hay-hay is a famous street-side snack restaurant in Sham Shui Po.
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
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There is a variety of snack, such as pig intestine, egg waffle, curry fish ball, grid cake, fake shark's fin soup, three stuffed treasures, shaomai...
呢道有好多好多好多唔同類型既小食!!例如豬大腸,雞蛋仔,咖哩魚蛋,格仔餅,碗仔翅,煎釀三寶,燒賣...SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
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FVenture went to Hay-hay and try their famous fish ball! They are spicy enough. Moreover, unlike other restaurants, their fish balls are still very elastic. The MAIN POINT is - they are really valuable - ONLY $10 for 1 bowl of spicy fish ball. After walking around Golden Computer Arcade or Apliu Street until you tired, it is absolutely suitable for you to eat a bowl of snack here!
我地今次淨係食左魚蛋,好夠辣。而且唔會好似某些鋪頭咁,煮到淋晒。呢道既魚蛋仲係好有彈性架!不過重點係,真係好平!呢道一碗辣魚旦只係需要 $10 一碗!行完深水埗黃金電腦商場或者鴨寮街,行到攰,食返一碗小食就岩晒啦!!
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage IMPR PolyU SPEED  SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture 
Address: SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture 
125 Fuk Wing Street, Sham Shui Po SPD4459 SPD4459  SPD4459 SPD4459 
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
From Sham Shui Po MTR station Exit D2 to there is around 2 minutes by walking. Here is the map. 
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SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459

Posted by Gee (student from SPD4459) SPD4459
Tag: #cheungshawan #food #Fventure #hkfood #hongkong #laichikok #polyu #polyuspeed #shamshuipo #深水埗 #美食 #荔枝角 #長沙灣 #SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 #mpr #marketingnpublicrelations #speed #hongkong #hkblog #街頭小食 #小食 #Snack #Streetside #StreetsideSnack #囍囍 #魚蛋