SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . S

SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . S
SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . 2014 . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . SPD4459 Students' Project .


SPD4459 [Tea Restaurant茶餐廳] 品香樓中西風味餐廳 Ban Heung Lau


Many people said that Ban Heung Lau is a canteen of City University because students of City University would have meals at Ban Heung Lau and they love reunion in there. There are 3 must-try dishes : cold chocolate, peach and pork ribs with salad mayonnaise and diced beef. Under the bowl of Diced beef, waiter would ignite fire, it makes the beef keeping warm, so that the beef will be juicy. When I go there, I must order peach and pork ribs with salad mayonnaise even though it is not so delicious. Also, cold chocolate is really tasty because it includes cream upon the cup of chocolate.Be aware, cold chocolate with cream is only offered in dinner time. 

有人說品香樓係城大既飯堂,我諗冇人會反對呢句說話,因為很多城大學生都會去食同埋係reu既必到地點。去到品香樓,有三樣野係必點: 就係朱古力、蜜桃沙拉骨同埋火焰牛柳粒,今次去到當然有點啦!!牛柳粒用錫紙盆裝住,下面侍應會係上菜既時候點火,咁就可以令牛柳唔會凍,牛柳粒唔"鞋",好好味!!蜜桃沙拉骨,其實味道一般,但係唔知點解有種情意結,所以必點。朱古力,品香樓會係杯朱古力上面加層cream,令到杯朱古力層次更豐富,好味,但記住夜市先會有層cream。其他推介好食既仲有蒜香豬頸肉,好細既一碟就有好多粒豬頸肉,加上佢哋既豬頸肉唔會太肥同肉質結實,食得多都唔怕。

品香樓中西風味餐廳 Ban Heung Lau

Address: Shop 204-205, 210-213,Nam Fung House, Nan Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾南山村南豐樓平台商場 204-205平台, 210-213號平台
Tel: 2778 8791
Opening Hours: 06:45-00:00

Walk around 5mins from the Shek Kip Mei B2 Exit


Posted by Novia (student from SPD4459)
