SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . S

SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . S
SPD4459 . Internet Marketing and Public Relations . 2014 . Sham Shui Po . FVenture . Food and Beverage . SPD4459 Students' Project .


SPD4459 [Noodle 粉麵] 文記車仔麵 番外篇

記得尋日帶大家去食文記車仔麵嗎? SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage  SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage  SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
話咩要有劉心悠嘅面孔、法拉嘅笑容、雷凱欣嘅身材、何家淑女嘅後台、Angela Monkey嘅整容醫生。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
個宅男肥仔食住兜車仔麵,臉容扭曲到好似畢加索啲名畫咁,生命去到一個非常危險嘅階段。聽到依個問題,佢已經從最終幻想中解放出黎。 他已經死了。
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
隔離有個女伴,想食餐經濟啲嘅都要左諗右諗, 「譚仔呀!今日想食米線!」 「吓,好逼喎...」 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
「沙嗲王呀!都坐得舒服!」 「吓,要等勁耐喎...」
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
「不如食碗雲吞麵呀!寶貝你想減肥嘛!」 「吓,勁多阿叔阿伯喎...」
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
試過同一位已成歷史塵埃嘅女朋友走入一間茶記。 喂唔差架喎其實! 地板立立令唔在講、餐牌全過膠,令你感受到法國西南部波爾多嘅浪漫迷情、加上圍繞身邊,三部LCD大電視,令你可以係2013年,觀賞亞視節目:「2010年亞洲小姐決賽」,個種係過去未來穿梭嘅快感令人縈繞夢域。 一個客飯配咕嚕肉,唔包餐飲都78蚊,絕對唔cheap!
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
只不過對面個女人就唔係咁諗啦, 聽到入茶記已經成個比達上身咁西口西面, 見到個餐牌直情變埋超級西面人。 大佬,你想做比達都睇下對面個個係唔係莊子啊!
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
我心諗:「法拉利跑車啲位仲窄,你係咪唔坐先?成日落老籣啲 clubbing,都唔似好安靜下話,斷估你都唔會拎本雙城記去老籣呀,你邊有咁文藝呀?」 ok fine!我諗就凶狠,講就冇份... SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
最後佢講左一句:「Honestly,我覺得食餐飯每人三百零蚊好基本囉。」 我心諗:「安甩匙哩,你唔洗強調每人囉,你都冇找過數。係咪?」 我想即刻飛左佢。 但事實上佢即日已經飛左我。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
悲劇。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
我曾經以為女人都是這樣,我曾經想過做「一休和尚」算數。得閒有需要就扑下木魚,以此為樂。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
一個男人要同女朋友食深水埗,為咗啲咩? 覺得深水埗好多野食?覺得深水埗好毒?覺得高登商場真係會有好多高登仔派膠俾你?
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
成年人唔好比咁多幻想自己啦,廿幾歲仔要拉個女朋友去食深水埗只係因為四個字-「山窮水盡」。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
講真,當個女仔提議去深水埗嘅時候,我真係懷疑佢係到試探我。只要我話好,就會收取「你是好人」嘅好人卡。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
但我見佢咁真心又一試無妨。 一坐低佢就問我食咩,就自己行左出去買。 我心諗「出事!」
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
係深水埗兵法之中,只要你戰略得宜,一餐飯既價格要超越California Pizza絕對唔係難事。 一個散嗌嘅三姐糖水,掟個靚彎去隔離長沙灣整餐Bondi,加件芝士餅。驀然回首整多串囍囍串燒,煎釀三寶當做例行,真係我慣了傷心,臨尾飄移外賣一個豆花妹米線。成壇野已經一百幾廿蚊,仲要未買你個份。 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
只係說時遲、那時快,女朋友已經買咗返黎,佢最後要既只係十二蚊既車仔麵,無加餸、無加六蚊野飲。 個一野已經眼濕濕,我想話比返錢佢,佢仲借啲意話遲下食好嘢先比我請返。 我好滾動,我終於流下男兒淚,個時仲要搭梗枱。
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
女朋友問我好地地做咩喊,我唯有話啲洋蔥澀眼,真係「一層一層一層 的剝開我的心」,但係我食梗油麵... SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
個一刻,我終於明白,咩叫感動。 踢場足球係 運動、 比賽攞獎係 激動、 BB出世係 作動、 上床攪野係 性衝動、 套都唔戴係 輕舉妄動、 長洲個個係 張保仔洞,
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
劉心悠始終會老、法拉都有黑面嘅時候、雷凱欣會爆炸、何家淑女你又唔係陳X聰、Angela Monkey都開始同人撞樣啦! SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459 SPD4459
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
 SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations Sham Shui Po FVenture Food and Beverage 
Posted By Gee
